Our event-highlights
Campus Run
In 2014, we launched the Campus Run, which is offered on the Vaihingen campus for students and employees of the University of Stuttgart as well as for external guests. After the successful premiere and a short break, the run was relaunched in 2017. Since then, the Campus Run has been held once a year on and around the Vaihingen campus. The starting signal is traditionally given in the stadium of the Institute for Sport and Human Movement Science. Via the Campus Vaihingen grounds, the runners reach the Pfaffenwald, from where they return to the stadium where the finish line is located.
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Campus Run 2019
Chancellor Jan Gerken gave the starting shot and hundreds of runners crossed the starting line on the tartan track in the stadium Allmandring. The route led across the Vaihingen campus, past institute buildings, lecture halls and offices into the forest at Pfaffenwaldring and back to the stadium. A total of 970 athletes from the university started - that is a new record number of participants. " Since we launched the Campus Run four years ago, the number of registrations has been increasing every year," says Anna-Lena Fahl, head of University Sports. In 2020, the number of registrations is expected to break the thousand mark, hopes Gerken, who himself took part in the 6-kilometer run.
Overall, Fahl is very satisfied with the organisation of the Campus Run: "The set-up was great and we received a lot of positive feedback. The new discipline 6 kilometer walk was also well received. 53 people started in this group. For next year, the University Sports is planning another walking round.
The fastest runner over 12 kilometres was, as in the years before, Joachim Krauth. The scientific assistant at the 4th Institute of Physics at the University of Stuttgart successfully participated in the Ironman in Hawaii last year.
After crossing the finish line there were smoothies and ice cream for everyone. The participants compared their results or took pictures in front of a photo wall. They concluded the evening with a chill and grill in the stadium.
Campus Run 2018
Once across the university's daily routine: The route of the Campus Run went past offices, dormitories, institutes and through the forest - across the entire Vaihingen campus. A total of 880 students and employees of the university took part in the 6 or 12 kilometre run. About 300 of them chose the longer distance. For the 6km runners the round was unique, the 12km runners were allowed to run the round twice. Melanie Haag, head of University Sports, who organized the Campus Run together with the partner Techniker Krankenkasse, was also visibly satisfied: "We are all very pleased that we are able to achieve a continuous increase in the number of participants every year".
The fastest runner over 12 kilometres was - as in the previous year - Joachim Krauth with a time of 39:02 minutes. In the women's race, Anja Elser took the first place with a time of 49:15 minutes. Jessica Wunschmann won the women's race over six kilometres with a time of 24:37 minutes and Sven Zabel won the men's race with 20:38 minutes.
Chancellor Jan Gerken, who had called the university staff to participate in the running event before, also set a good example and managed the 6-kilometer distance through the university campus. Dr. Simone Rehm, CIO in the rectorate even completed the 12 kilometres.
But not only the individual runners were evaluated, there was also a team evaluation. The three best times of each team were combined into one team after the run. In addition, the largest team also received a prize at the award ceremony.
Campus Run 2017
After the Campus Run 2016 unfortunately had to be cancelled, the 2nd Campus Run took place on 13 July 2017. At exactly 16:30 o'clock more than 600 participants were excited about the starting signal.
Campus Run 2014
In 2014, we launched the Campus Run, which is offered on the Vaihingen campus for students and employees of the University of Stuttgart, but also for external guests. After the successful premiere and a short break from running, the Run was relaunched in 2017 with our health partner Techniker Krankenkasse. Since then the TK Campus Run takes place once a year on and around the Campus Vaihingen.